tirsdag den 13. december 2016

The Walking dead, season 7 so far!


Wow, things have changed! It is super crazy to think of how much have changed.
This season introduced you to The Kingdom, a little more to The Hilltop and now we were truly introduced to The Saviours. And we met the women that Tara meets far away (it must be her paradise ;) ) Am I the only one who noticed that the show is beginning to look more like the comics?
That's just great.
So why is Negan so loved by the fans? Good question, he killed Glenn!! We loved Glenn. He killed Abraham and wether you liked him or not you must say he was a tough nut. And he gutted Spencer! Oh wait, no one gives a shit because no one liked that dude anyways.
But look how he broke Rick and how he tortured Daryl. We all love Daryl.
What about the episode when he humiliated Carl? Still we love this douche and no one knows why. Maybe it's his own special charm or his cuteness. One will never know.
But his persona seems more like the comic version and I like that, I missed it with the Governor I don't think his TV character was bad enough but the reason why he was so hated among fans might be because he was the one who split the group and put Andrea in a big dilemma and it all lead to the loss of the prison and Hershel's death. Still I missed that his character had been more like the true sociopath you meet in the comics and even better the books! They are amazing.

I have to say this journey is exciting and the end was everything. I'm truly excited for the season start again but I'm also kinda happy to get a small break. That TV show is an unhealthy addiction. My x-boyfriend warned me about that but I didn't listen and now I am here :)
I regret nothing!

Anyways, we got to see Daryl naked so I guess we have nothing to complain about ;)
The group is so split and I hope they will gather together again soon so the TV show can be more like it used to be though nothing will ever be the same again.
And Daryl, I'm so happy that you didn't break down and became another Negan.

But now, let's see what happens. It can only be more intense.

Bye <3

fredag den 9. december 2016

The Pretty Reckless live!

WOW, it was an awesome live show.
I went there with a Mexican friend of mine and we really had a good time.
The first warm up band called Them Evil was really good and I need to check them out a little more. The second warm up band though... Holy White Hounds.... Hmm. I was not impressed.
The lead singer couldn't sing and the music just sucked in general. The drummer was hot though if you want me to say something positive about them.

TPR finally entered the stage and opened up with Follow Me Down To The River. It was super cool to see this band live. I have been a fan for 3 years and as far as I know they have never performed in Denmark. Now I had a chance to see them and my mom was quiet jealous. She really likes Prisoner.
I would love to upload some pics and videos here but this stupid blog doesn't work that well but I have pics on my instagram https://www.instagram.com/emma_stage/ and a little more on my Twitter https://twitter.com/Dixonsqueen you don't need to follow me as I'm not private.
But I will really recommend every fan to see them live, they are worth it. I would have bought VIP tickets if I had known 100% that I could make it (I didn't know when I would be home from NY).

Taylor Momsen really puts on a show and she knows what the audience wants. The band seems in general to work well together and really have a good time. They seems so passionated and professional. Ugh, it has been a week and I'm still a little high :)
I also had a good spot FRONT ROW! that's what I prefer. I didn't get the front row at Guns'n Roses and I was not happy, just kidding it was a cool show :)

Their new album Who You Selling For is also amazing and you should get a copy if you want.

well, I will head to bed. Good night :)

søndag den 6. november 2016

The Kingdom (The Walking Dead)


While waiting for the new episode of The Walking Dead I thought talking about last weeks episode would be a good idea. The first episode of this season was so horrible and full of sadness that you needed this episode more than anything else!
King Ezekiel is one of my favorite characters in the comic books and now he is finally being introduced to the TV show! I do not hope he will die such a brutal death though...
But here we are being introduced to the Kingdom and how amazing is it? Either Carol or Morgan are alive to experience this place in the comics because they both die early on, but in the TV show they are the first ones to see this amazing place. How ironic.
I never really thought he would get to appear on the show when you think about he has his tiger Shiva, but we live in 2016 so everything is possible.
I love how they feed the Saviors with zombie infested pork, that's just the ultimate revenge. Maybe they are poisoning them slowly, who knows? ;)

Carol's reaction is hilarious! She laughs and finds this place a circus. I wonder what kind of statement she is going through though, she seems so sad and very close to a break down. You would think she would have broken down after Sophia died, but it happened a long time after. The Walking Dead Magazine has the theory that she sees herself as a killer and she has a hard time dealing with it. No doubt that is a hard struggle to face.

She cannot deal with this place pretending like nothing bad is happening outside of the walls. Carol is just so speechless and she does not know what to say when the King asks her what she thinks. No doubt she is faking her impression.

BTW, was I the only one who thought about Michael Jackson with his fantasy land Neverland, his pet tiger and horses and stuff?
I wonder if that inspired mr. Robert Kirkman to make this place, who knows?

All I know is that the Kingdom is too much for Carol and she chooses to take care of herself, but how well will she do with the Saviors around and her own mental break down to battle with?

This is why we, the fans, cannot wait to see the next episode.

Tonight at 9 (light saving time!)


mandag den 24. oktober 2016

Negan's choices (TWD)

Spoiler alert!

Last night was absolutely crazy and I still cannot believe what happened. Finally after the most horrible cliffhanger the answer came right there on the TV screen. Full of emotions and sadness I grew to hate Negan more than I hate the governor and that's bad! I personally thought he had picked a woman mainly because of his comment in taking it as a man and when Rick got these flashbacks I thought Rosita was the one to be dead but he had plenty of these visions. Of course no one thought it was Rick, that was also spoiled this summer in TWDM and it was no surprise, rick never dies you know, even though last night he did not look like the same confident guy as he used to; this was a broken, lost and scared man who knew that he should just had minded his own business before trying to help the Hilltop. I had a minor heart attack when he slammed Abraham with "Lucille" his beloved barb wired baseball bat and I had no idea how to handle it. Honestly I wanted to punch him and I'm so happy Daryl did it for me... but the price... oh the price that was devastating! Maggie being pregnant and miserable had to watch.... HAD TO WATCH GLENN DIE! That was the big surprise in this episode, we knew that someone would die, one of our heroes, the once we believe in but we had no idea two victims would be picked and the way Glenn died was the worst! Just as you thought Glenn was a good guy and he did not deserve such a painful dead... Not the sweet pizza delivery guy from Atlanta. It was so painful to watch. A lot of TWD fans already thought that he was going to pick Glenn, he is the one he picks in the comics but you cannot really count on that because it was not Hershel that the Governor killed outside of the prison in the comics that was Tyreese. The comics and the TV show does not go along that much.

I wonder what's gonna happen to Maggie now, being alone with a baby on the way and maybe she will be the one to take revenge on Negan? Who knows but one thing is true, this TV show will never be the same again and Rick... Rick learned a lesson; maybe he is not the strongest surviver after all?

(Breathe, just 6 days to the next episode... *Struggling)

fredag den 30. september 2016

Remembering England


As I was deleting a million pictures from my computer I suddenly hit an album full of old pictures from my study month in England. It was in 2013 and it was great fun! I stayed with an Italian host family and they made amazing food (home cooked Italian food nom-nom)
I went to City College Brighton and Hove and it was a cool school. I just remember I didn't like my English teacher very much... But I liked the other teachers a lot I thought they were cool. And the school had a hair dresser school so I got a really cheap hair cut with dying! Oh yeah.
Everything was so easy. I never had to worry about anything and I got used to it. The culture shock was big though. It took me some time to get used to cars driving in the opposite site and the language and the way you have to behave. I got used to it pretty fast though and I really loved Brighton it was an awesome town. And you cannot go to England without watching a musical so I watched Little Voice I can recommend it, it was super cute. I had one day in London, you don't really get to see London in 1 day but it was cool anyways and I saw London dungeons.

The view from the school tower

Art expo inside the school

A weird café I loved it!

Lilly, she recently passed away 17 years old <3

My school card :) 

Brighton Pier 

The old Pier (it burned down)

Churchill Square shopping center 

A museum with... Weird stuff

Find the squirrel!

There it is ;)

The traffic... I tell you you have to get used to it

Brighton Eye (it's not just something I call it)

An aquarium 

The best Aldi to buy ice latte 

Street art is a thing that Brighton is very famous for

A girl in my study group had her birthday and she met a street artist! 

Brighton after dark :)

Horror movie with Lilly and Mari :)

Went to a sex shop with Mari... I regret nothing xD 

Cyberdog, the coolest shop in England! 

The college

Breakfast on Starbucks with Mari xD #Food!

Tiger! It's a Danish shop! 

It was easy to navigate inside the College

The tie their children O_O 

I made street art too!! If you can call Jerry's nephew on drugs art.... 

I went shopping... Too much

Ghost walk! 

I turned 19 while I was there :)
Present from my host family :) (I still have it!) 

The cake they made me :)
Cake from my teachers :)

The school was closed on my birthday because it snowed a little. I wouldn't call it snow xD
But don't walk in these shoes when it snows... 
I did and we went to a guided tour at a stadium afterwards... That was not the smartets decision I have made in my life. But we had fun with it :) 
Here are some pics from the stadium:

This is what they call snowing hard in the south :) 

Meet Pajamas! I met her in the bus isn't she cute? :) 

Mari experimentet with my hair :P

Little voice

The theater 

Time to take a trip to London!

The first thing I saw was the Palace and then all the usual stuff; Big Ben, London eye and where the Prime minister lives. 
London Dungeons had a horrible waiting line. But it was cool :) 

Go to England! 